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  • Ellen Liguori

Stand Together 1

So, something fun and exciting is happening tomorrow. A startup company, Artconnex, is having me display my work at their Launch Party. I'll also be completing this piece with the theme of We Stand Together at the event. Artconnex is a Linked In, of sorts, dedicated to art-related industries and individuals.

I'm enjoying this piece. I often begin my illustrative fantasy pieces with a phrase, strewn in large curly letters rambling everywhere on a page. It forces a certain spontaneity, a plan as I go, minus predetermined visions of the outcome. Here my limits are "standing together" as is expressed in the now invisible cursive scrawl. Feet entwined on the knobby knee'd birds who are meant to symbolize the diversity of the arts. The free spirit is guided by the original lines of writing, forcing my pencils to create creatures with those marks. Sometimes it strains even my chaotic brain, but this kind of challenge is always rewarded by the spirit of a created artwork that I had no specific expectations of. I enjoy the hidden message even though, at this point, I can only identify a letter or two within the piece. Tomorrow, I will take suggestions for one last fantastical bird built from a word provided by a Launch Party guest. Onward tonight. Tomorrow is a busy day.....

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