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Ellen Liguori

Maestro 8

2nd to last photo. I promise. One hard-core art week. Love it! I am down to the final bits, but bleary eyed and spent. As I sip Sambucca and eat organic chocolate for supper, the boys of Mood:Swing, swing upstairs in the purple room. Dan the One Man Band has invited them to play a half hour set, next month, at his Ironwood Variety Show in March. And, after a long day in the studio, he's on his way here to practice with them. Hurray! So the pastel painting is in it's final stages. The hand is too prominent for my liking, and, perhaps the dimming light affects my judgment (or the Sambucca), but I feel the urge to enhance lights and darks. The piece is busier now and I want to lead the viewer's eyes around the piece, where I want them to go, using a trail of high and low light crumbs. Tomorrow the piece will be on display at the Youth Orchestra Gala. After dropping Beau off early at the Gala, with the portrait, I will run, in my formal dress, to his school meeting for a 3 country European band tour, and, back to the Gala I go.

Hopefully, before that particular marathon, the portrait and I can spend an intimate hour muting the hand, and creating a zen like sense of balance with the abstract background. Wish me luck. Lol.

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